SULEMAN MARKHOR (Capra falconeri jerdoni)


Suleman Markhor is a subspecies of Markhor, located in the Torghar Hills, which are approximately a 6-7 hour drive from Quetta. The Suleman markhor is referred to as the straight-horned markhor. It features the most aesthetically pleasing screwed shape horns in comparison to other subspecies of markhor. Historically, this species was neither huntable nor exportable. However, in 1999, a delegation from USFW and IUCN visited the Society of Torghar Environmental Protection (STEP) to discuss the initiation of a community-based hunting program. As a result, the population of Suleman Markhors has been rapidly increasing. A hunter necessitates strong physical capabilities. The hills are comparatively easier than the Hindu Kush and Himalayas. A set of horns measuring 26-32 inches is regarded as highly desirable.

Altitude and Temperature:

The Quetta region, like many continental climates, has huge daily and seasonal temperature variations. Typically, temperatures dip below freezing in January, making it the coldest month of the year. Daytime highs in the area usually reach 15°C in January. With highs of about 20°C and lows of about 21°C, February weather might be very warm. In December and February, the values are almost same. From east to west, these hills rise 500 to 3,000 meters above sea level. Suleman Markhor is being chased at great heights.

Hunting season:

he ideal timeframe for hunting Suleman Markhor extends from late March through early November. The optimal periods for Suleman Markhor hunting in this region occur from mid-November to mid-January, due to the favorable weather conditions that are characteristic of this timeframe. Timing plays a crucial role in achieving success during a hunt, especially considering the notably high success rate of this particular endeavor. Hunters should view this as an opportunity that is expected to produce favorable outcomes, irrespective of the hunting season selected.

Hunting method and number of days required:

While many hunters typically require only a few days to complete a Suleman Markhor hunt, a 10-day schedule is more than sufficient. To reduce hunting time, community members involved in the activity consistently conduct pre-scouting prior to the arrival of hunters. The standard commencement of a hunting day occurs at dawn. At times, considerably earlier, contingent upon the circumstances. Initially, hunters embark on foot from their base settlement for specific hunts. In many regions, hunters are typically accompanied to the location before ascending. The standard method for hunting markhor is spot and stalk. All members of the community are encouraged to contribute, as this is a hunt organized by the community. The residents will frequently monitor for Markhor sightings. Consequently, they possess knowledge of the locations of substantial trophy-sized markhor prior to the hunter's arrival.

Schedule Suleman Markhor Hunting Trip